Criminal Justice Act 1987
An Act to make further provision for the investigation of and trials for fraud; and for connected purposes.
View ArticleTerritorial Sea Act 1987
An Act to provide for the extent of the territorial sea adjacent to the British Islands.
View ArticleCrossbows Act 1987
An Act to create offences relating to the sale and letting on hire of crossbows to, and the purchase, hiring and possession of crossbows by, persons under the age of seventeen; and for connected purposes.
View ArticleMotor Cycle Noise Act 1987
An Act to prohibit the supply of motor cycle exhaust systems and silencers likely to result in the emission of excessive noise; and for connected purposes.
View ArticleParliamentary and other Pensions Act 1987
An Act to provide for the continuance in existence of the Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund; to confer power on the Leader of the House of Commons to make regulations with respect to that Fund...
View ArticleParliamentary and Health Service Commissioners Act 1987
An Act to make further provision in relation to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and the Health Service Commissioners for England, Wales and Scotland, to provide for the appointment of...
View ArticleChevening Estate Act 1987
An Act to establish an incorporated board of trustees of the trusts contained in the trust instrument set out in the Schedule to the Chevening Estate Act 1959; to confer functions on, and to transfer...
View ArticleAccess to Personal Files Act 1987 (repealed 1.3.2000)
An Act to provide access for individuals to information relating to themselves maintained by certain authorities and to allow individuals to obtain copies of, and require amendment of, such information.
View ArticleAIDS (Control) Act 1987 (repealed)
An Act to make provision in relation to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
View ArticleDebtors (Scotland) Act 1987
An Act to make new provision with regard to Scotland for an extension of time for payment of debts; to amend the law relating to certain diligences; to make provision in respect of messengers-at-arms...
View ArticleRegistered Establishments (Scotland) Act 1987(repealed)
An Act to make further provision as to the registration of establishments under the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 and the Nursing Homes Registration (Scotland) Act 1938; and for connected purposes.
View ArticleImmigration (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1987 (repealed)
An Act to require carriers to make payments to the Secretary of State in respect of passengers brought by them to the United Kingdom without proper documents.
View ArticleLandlord and Tenant Act 1987
An Act to confer on tenants of flats rights with respect to the acquisition by them of their landlord's reversion; to make provision for the appointment of a manager at the instance of such tenants and...
View ArticleLocal Government Act 1987 (repealed)
An Act to amend Part VIII of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980; to make further provision about the adjustment of block grant in connection with education; and for connected purposes.
View ArticleCrown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1987
An Act to repeal section 10 of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 and to provide for the revival of that section in certain circumstances.
View ArticleRegister of Sasines Act 1987
An Act to make provision as to the methods of keeping the Register of Sasines.
View ArticleProtection of Animals (Penalties) Act 1987
An Act to amend the Protection of Animals Act 1911 to increase the penalties for offences against animals under section 1(1).
View ArticleIrish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust Act 1987
An Act to provide for the distribution of the surplus funds of the Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust; and to make provision for the winding up and dissolution of the Trust.
View ArticleDeer Act 1987 (repealed 25.10.1991)
An Act to make it lawful for deer kept on deer farms in England and Wales to be killed during a close season.
View ArticlePrescription (Scotland) Act 1987
An Act to amend Part I of the Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973; and for connected purposes.
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